We got the number for Papa Johns and ordered a large pizza, 1/2 pineapple and ham (Eddie's favorite) and the other 1/2 "The Works", 4 Tsingtao Beers and 1 Sprite - 180 RMB or Yuan or US$24.83 one of our more expensive meals, but still a great deal. It wasn't exactly the same, but close and familiar. You'll see below, we did some damage. Notice the URL on the side of the box. We get a kick out of the simplest things.

Still feeling like crap this morning when I awoke, Bill said for Eddie and I to stay behind, and he took Izzy with the group to her medical examination. It was done at the hospital only a couple blocks from here. He said she was a trooper and the best baby there, letting the Dr do the physical. She got a clean bill of health and is weighing in at 7.99 kg or about 17.6 lbs. I'm beginning to think the report we got with our referral was a bunch of crap, since that said she weighed 7.6 kg and it was supposedly done in March.

She is a whole new kid. In just 8 days, her skin color, tone, everything is all different. She's got a little belly on her. I don't want to be the only chick in this family with a belly ;) Only hers is cuter. She takes 3-4 9 oz bottles of formula a day, 3 meals of congee, and some fruit (baby food fruit in a jar). Considering last Monday was the first time she'd had any food off a spoon - I think she's come a long way. We try giving her fresh fruit at breakfast - there's never any less than 9 varieties of fresh fruit available, but its still too hard and she's not used to chewing. We'll stock up on some jarred fruits before our long plane ride home. The shops in the area surrounding the hotel have lots of baby supplies, so it'll be easier to get it here before leaving for HK on Friday. She tries just about everything we give her. Rice noodle, rice, egg, but is quick to return to you anything that she feels is too hard. She's strong and has a veracious appetite. Don't fool around when feeding her or she'll let you know you're not fast enough by pulling your arm. Several times, she's almost yanked the bowl right out of my hand. Eddie is a big help - picking up the toys she chucks off the table, giving her her bottle, playing, amusing her. She's gotten used to the bath now, but still doesn't like water running down her face. There's a detachable shower head in the bathtub that I pull down and let her feel the water running from it. She liked that and isn't so intimidated by the tub anymore. She still is very good with sitting by herself in her crib and doesn't require a lot of attention. Of course, with 3 of us here, held up in a hotel room, and all this still being a novelty, its hard not to pick her up. Plus she's such an easy baby, so easy to make her laugh and smile. How to resist? I hope we don't spoil her - its nice that she placates herself, but isn't so removed like some babies - not wanting to be held. We are so very lucky to have such a great baby.
1 comment:
Don't worry about spoiling her yet. Looks like you've been having a great time in China getting to know Izzy, I hope your trip to home is an easy one.
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