We get back to the White Swan without incident and with one brand new DVD player. Shortly after we got back, Cousin William calls to say while he was in Hong Kong yesterday, he picked up a replacement a/c adapter for Eddie's Nintendo DS and bought him some game cartridges. He said the game cartridge had over 50 games on it and we shouldn't have to buy games for Eddie for 3-4 years. He got all the new titles. Apparently, he went to some gaming store, where he picked games to have loaded on this cartridge, and they have this technology where they put multiple games on the same cartridge. Anyway, he was having a friend bring it over to the hotel for us and wanted to be sure we'd be around. What a hook up. Eddie is beside himself. Izzy is happily playing with the box for the adapter and the DVD player.

This is another view from a different end of hotel. This is the Pearl River.

More city views from our hotel.
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