Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 6 - Daqitou Village continued

This is the look of 2 very heat and humidity sensitive Americans about to go stark raving mad. We are standing in front of some alter thingy. They are explaining what all this is, but I can hardly hear through the humidity.
Look at the tiles on the roof. This was all built by hand.
I think they said this word is "long life". Ironic, I'm not sure I'm going to make it out of this building alive, much less have a long life.
This alley is between the buildings, rows and rows of homes.
Hard to believe this still looks so good, exposed to the elements for over 300 years.

1 comment:

Kay Tajirian said...

Dear Bernie, I really enjoyed your blog. The pictures were priceless. Izzy is adoreable and Eddie looks so grown up. He will be a wonderful "big brother". Please keep the info coming - I'm so happy for you all.

Our prayers are for you and your family. How old is Izzy now?

Love, Kay Tajirian (Scott's mom)