Izzy is a happy little girl. Its very easy to get her to smile or laugh. If you just look at her she laughs. I wonder sometimes if she's laughing at us. The only thing that mungs her up is when she's hungry and you're not getting food to her fast enough and when she needs a diaper change. I can't believe how wonderfully blessed we've been to get such a wonderful little girl.

Eddie has just completed his 2nd week of 2nd grade. He's doing well. He loves his little sister. Her crib is in his room, so they wake with the first sight of each other each morning. I'm picking Eddie up right after school these days (instead of him going to aftercare). It helps him get a jump on his homework and helps us save a little money. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, she gets all giddy, cuz she knows she's about to see big brother. She's smart and a fast learner - picks up on things very quickly.

Aunt Debbie gave her this walker. She mostly likes to play with it sitting or squatting, but took a few steps with it the other day. When we first got her just under 4 weeks ago - she could pull to standing - a little shaky, but could. Now, she does it with a snap and stands real strong, for a long time. I make sure she gets about equal amounts of time to crawl around the house, pulling up on furniture, cruising - as well as spending time in her pack n play or crib (when not sleeping) so she can build strength to walk, but also cope with having to go to daycare when I go back to work, in only 52 days I might add. I'm mourning already.

She does not make many demands. She'll sit at her seat at the dinner table long after eating is done. She's been awake in her crib for the past 30 mins or more, while I update this blog, just playing with her feet, hands, looking around, amusing herself with the sounds she makes. She's been "stretching her vocal chords" - with interesting "songs", sounds, sometimes shrieks (much to my dismay). She says "ma, ma, ma", "da da da", though I doubt she relates those sounds to Bill or I. She says, "na, na," and occasionally, a series of sounds that sound like it could be a sentence in a language from another planet "ak gho mi na na nei ma da". Translation anyone?

She practically flips herself out of her chair, pack n play, wherever she is when she sees Bill come through the door. She adores her father. If he doesn't go directly over to pick her up, and for more than a couple minutes, there's lots of shrilling, shrieking and even crying involved. Bill will have to learn to change out of his work clothes with a baby in arm. ;)

She's gotten more used to bath time. I'm not sure how they bathed her at the SWI, but I doubt it was in a tub like this. I saw pictures on their Yahoo site
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LeChangFamilies/ of the area they bathe the babies in, and saw these large tubs or basins, so maybe it was more of a sponge bath she got. She still doesn't like getting water on her face, or in her eyes, but is definitely getting used to the bath and shows signs of even enjoying it, patting the water, making splashy sounds.
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