Its hard to believe its already closer to the end of this adventure than the beginning. Today, we don't have much going on (again). None of us are too sure why we had to be here this long. Eddie is so very attentive to Isabella - always trying to amuse, placate and appease her. Its great watching the 2 of them.

I know some critic is going to say this would be a great pic if not for being off centered. Trying to get the both of them looking my way, I snapped the picture when I got the right expression, not paying attention to the frame. Oh well. If I were a photographer I wouldn't be a foodie now would I?

I absolutely love this spot. Its off one side of the dining room where we eat breakfast each morning. Its called the "Coffee Shop", but serves 3 meals a day and is not like the coffee shops I'm used to in the States. Isn't this a great shot of Eddie?

This is in the lobby of the 1st floor of the hotel, just outside the bank of elevators to get to our room on the 12th floor. I took the picture, so if Bill ever asks ya'll about gift ideas for me, I'd love a screen like this one. Of course, I'd need a bigger house to put it in.

After breakfast, we decide to go for a walk - and a little further than the 3-4 blocks we've been circling. The weather today is the best since we arrived to GZ. Its cooler and comfortable, probably 78-80, not humid, not rainy, a little overcast, but overall the best weather we've had since arriving here in GZ. Not far from the hotel, in the park along the river, we see people dancing. There's music for the waltz, fox trot, and other classical dancing. I wonder if this is like what they're doing in Central Park. We walk by other people playing mah jong, others doing Tai Chi. In general, people seem very relaxed here. Lots of people hanging out. Grandparents with their grandkids.

We walk by this crowd of people singing - didn't understand what they were singing or what this group was about, but it was cool.

I was quite amused by the style of the buildings in this area. A lot of British influence.

We've seen a lot of bikes and people with carts moving very large payloads like this guy.
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