This chop is a gift from Helen and Der. It has our family name and the official adoption date of Isabella on it. Der called a meeting in his room at 11 am. He tells us Helen took our visa applications to the consulate this morning and all is in order. We are good to go. Tomorrow we will go to the US Consulate to get visas for our daughters to go to the US. Our daughters all have Chinese passports, but will have visas for entry into the US in them when we go to the Consulate tomorrow. There will be a swearing in ceremony there. We cannot bring anything in. No cameras, no bags, nothing. Its a post 911 security thing.

We all gather in the atrium for a group photo. The dads took pictures of the mommies and the babies. The dads join us and the photographer takes a group picture of all of us for a souvenier.

The red couch photo is a tradition here at the White Swan (also known as the White Stork). We gather our babies in their chinese outfits and head to the famous red couch. The dads were snapping away trying to get one good photo of all of them looking in the same direction. They were surprisingly well behaved, just sitting there looking at each other, looking at us. It was very cute.

And then there were 5. One had to bail.

And then there were 4.
Tomorrow, we leave Guangzhou for Hong Kong. I may not update from Hong Kong, so see you back State side. What a wild and crazy ride this has been.
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