Arriving at the airport in HK. Feeling pretty good after a 15 hour flight from Newark. Of course, you notice Bill is doing all the luggage handling - its all I can do to move myself and take this picture. The direct flight on Continental to HK - we highly recommend it. We were on a Boeing 777-200 - the one with 9 seats per row, 12 bathrooms on board. Service was great and the gizmo at each seat that had over 300 movies, games, tv, radio and music videos for free - that was cool and occupied the 3 of us for the majority of the flight. That and feeding us every 2-3 hours - Elaine, you would've loved it!

This is Ben, our HK guide. He met us at the airport, gave us instructions, a short tour of the airport and area and tucked us in a very nice hotel. We would be going to Guangzhou the next day to meet our babies, so he said to rest up and avoid temptation to go shopping. That, plus the new airport is on Lantau Island and about an hour from the downtown shopping district in HK. Its nice though, a lot nicer than the airport in Kowloon we landed at last time. This airport opened 6 yrs ago.

Check out the Krispy Kreme! I can't get a hot donut in Wilmington DE, but can at the airport in HK. How about that? Not that I need donuts, hot or not.
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