Already comfy, safe in her father's arms, on the bus on the way back to the White Swan - Day One is coming to a close. We are all physically and emotionally drained and exhausted. We have our little girl. Tomorrow we will come back to the CCAA to sign some paperwork to start the process for legally adopting her in China. Now, we go back to the hotel, where we already have dinner plans with William, his sister, her husband and daughter. He called me in the 15 minutes after getting into our room and before we had to go back downstairs to go to the CCAA yelling, "Cousin, so you arrive in China and don't even call your cousin to tell him you're here!" Ve-ly funny. When I said, I literally just walked into the room. He said, I know. I wondered if there were cameras. You know, we're in Communist territory. I told him we had to be back downstairs in a few minutes. He said, ok. We'll go out to dinner tonight then - to celebrate. I'll be there at 5 or 5:30. Just then, Der came to our room to make sure we were ok with our arrangements and was a bit perplexed that I could already be on the phone chatting away in Chinese to someone. I told him it was my cousin, who wanted to come take us to Dinner. He said you better make it 6 or 6:30. Already causing a ruckus, we are.

Isabella's first night with us. A new beginning for her and a long way away from the LeChang SWI. I was saying to Bill, things are already looking up for this little girl.
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