Isabella has slept for 8-10 hours nightly since her first night with us - operative word, "contiguously". She wakes at times, not that I notice, because I've always slept so soundly, but Bill is happy to report in the morning that she wakes a couple times through the night, makes a few wimpers, sucks on her thumb and puts herself back to sleep. Just before bedtime, we bathe her, give her a small bottle, she plays for a few minutes, lets us enjoy her fresh clean baby smells, and we put her in her crib, and she's out in a few minutes. Most of you know, putting Eddie to sleep, even now at 7 3/4 requires a bit more from us. You all were right. Girls ARE easier!

Most of the time, she plays happily, coos, watches us intently, requiring very little attention. She's not a crier. Even when she's upset about something, she'll try to soothe herself.

She is most curious of Eddie. She loves his silliness and antics, and he loves to perform, so its a perfect match - Eddie has a continual audience now.

I continue to be amazed at how natural it is for Eddie to play with her, to love her. He is so patient, a patience I've not seen before now - I know some of you skeptics may say this is the "honeymoon period", but I have a feeling and hope this is the beginning of a life long bond for the two of them.
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