Friday, August 31, 2007
Day 4 - Venturing Out
Day 4 - Mornings
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Day 3 - Part Deux (It's Official)
Today is Security Bureau day. On the way, Der tells us, we are now legally the parents of our adopted children. He shows us our official adoption certificates and says we're going to the Security Bureau to get "interviewed".
We're running a bit early, so Der asks if we want to stop by a grocery store? Sure, why not. We pull up to this giant shopping plaza where there's a huge, I mean huge for being an inner city grocery store, on the ground level of this giant building. This store sells everything, mounds of fresh fruits, chinese sausages, and more regular items. The crowds turn most of us off - not used to the density of people seemingly everywhere, trying to navigate a store where you can't read any of the signs, though find familiar brands, etc, because the graphics and colors are the same, but most products, including Coke are not marked bi-lingual - oh, and doing this with our babies in tow. I get a couple things, a couple mini moon cakes, and an ice cream cone for Eddie and scram back to the bus.
Its a little ominous, as we pull up in front of this official government building with armed guards everywhere. He says, don't look at them, no pictures. He obviously has arranged for appointments for our group. We go up to the 2nd floor into a room that kind of looks like a DMV waiting area in the US. We wait our turn. One by one, families are called up to meet with a very official, straight faced (did we mention the Chinese have no sense of humor?) government worker, who confirms we are who we are, takes a picture of the baby, and dismisses us with one glance. A little creepy, but who cares, we're almost done with Chinese government type meetings. Tomorrow is a day off for us. Depending on how much sleep we get tonight, we may venture out, take a taxi to check out the surrounding area - on our own.
So, on the way back from the Security Bureau, Der asks, "So how old the documents say your baby is?" I replied, "14 months", but quickly picked up his cue, and asked, "Why? How old do you think she is? He reached over, felt the top of her head and said, "No, not 14 months. At most, 10 months" and motioned toward her fontinel, which I felt, and noticed it was still open about between the size of a quarter and a 50 cent piece. Hmmm. Interesting. Explains her size. She's fitting quite well in her 9 mos clothes I brought.
Day 3 - Turning Point

She is doing well. She sleeps well at nights, 8-10 hour stretches. Wakes occasionally, soothes herself - she sucks her thumb(s), and goes back to sleep. She takes 3 nine ounce bottles and eats congee, and soft solids at the table with us. We gave her some fruit at breakfast this morning - cool to watch her expression experiencing the new foods. We're sure she ate no solids and had no experience with spoon feeding prior to now. But she's a fast learner and tonight was opening wide for the noodles Bill was feeding her with his chopsticks. Already in just a little over 2 days, she is looking better, with better color, smiles, laughs, and plays quietly at the table at meals. Can I say how helpful it is to have Eddie here with us. He tries so hard and is so good with her. Tonight at Dinner, Bill and I actually got to eat at the same time, while Eddie was feeding her congee. Yesterday at the pool and again last night, Bill had her on her feet, cruising, holding onto the bed or Bill, taking steps, shaky, but taking steps. She is able to roll over, sit herself up, and is doing more of that today, but wasn't moving much on her own the first day.

At breakfast in the hotel, we get a table by the window this morning. This fisherman? on this boat has come down the Pearl River every morning with this giant net. What is he fishing for? Bill says the fresh catch on tonight's menu. Ewwww. Let's just say the river isn't exactly crystal clear..
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Day 2

You can't tell from this pic, but she actually has a lot of hair. Its thin and kept short, kinda spiky on top, like Billy Idol. Me, on the other hand didn't even bother putting make up on today. We're still having quite a bit of trouble with the jet lag and adjusting, which is why its 4:44 am, I'm up, updating this blog and have been for hours.
She's been very good. Doesn't do a lot of crying, and is easily soothed. She's taken about 3-4 eight ounce bottles from us today, and eaten congee and we experimented a little with some rice noodle. Don't want to make the mistake of giving her too much too fast and upset her stomach like with so many newly adopted kids. We're taking it nice and slow. Tomorrow we'll try some additional foods like fruit, etc. Its nice having a breakfast buffet fit for a king every morning because its all right there. The buffet would be compared to that in a hotel in America that'd cost $35 a person! There's 12 different fresh fruits, including fresh longan and starfruit, along with melons, berries, etc. There's a table with smoked salmon, whitefish, bagels, fresh pastries, breads, muffins - another with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, potatoes, grits, french toast - made to order omelettes with fresh eggs and a dozen toppings, fresh seafood, shrimp, crab claws and legs, oysters, lamb, beef, and of course chinese favorites like dim sum, congee, spring rolls and at least 50 more items. They do a great job here. Its definitely a 5 star hotel, with pools, a driving range on the roof overlooking the pearl river, fitness centers, shops, a dozen restaurants, laundry, baby equipment rentals just steps away. There is a giant 3 story atrium with a waterfall inside, a pond filled with foot long coi and goldfish. This is the first time a hotel has exceeded my expectations and was even better than the pictures and description on their webpage.
This is Eddie amusing the fish. He loves the idea that when he flaps around, waving his arms and legs, they come to him, heads out of the water, mouths wide open. Bill and I explained they think you're going to feed them. He thinks they're enjoying his show.

The End of Day 1

Isabella's first night with us. A new beginning for her and a long way away from the LeChang SWI. I was saying to Bill, things are already looking up for this little girl.
Tears of Joy

Monday, August 27, 2007
Live from Guangzhou - Meet Isabella Chung Templeton

Arriving in Hong Kong