Uncle, Lily, Danny and Elaine come down for a visit in January. This was taken at Ming's Coffee Shop. We had an amazingly delicious breakfast there.
A visit from the Clouds. Lily and Bella get to visit every once in a while.
There she is in RA's cradle again!
We get to see cousin Danny twice in 2 months! We all went to Owen's Station Hunting Preserve. This is Dad and Uncle sitting in the clubhouse, chatting while the boys went hunting for ducks.
Bella really enjoyed cousins Jason and Nick. Doesn't she look snazzy in Jason's glasses?
Dan - are you going hunting, or auditioning for a Dept of Transportation job? That sure is bright.
My boys...
Jane and the kids met us for Dinner after the big hunt.
Did we mention Bella likes to eat. Eat yogurt. Eat eggs. Eat french fries. Eat just about anything. This is her feeding herself yogurt for the first time. This picture was taken in March. Last week, she drank out of an open cup by herself and Grandma Chen says she's been doing it for a while.
Eddie at the Easter Egg Hunt at the Masonic Home where Troy works. He organizes the event each year and invites us.